Saturday, 20 April 2013

SPERARE interview on

SPERARE interview on

So, our Lee plays in a hardcore/ screamo band called Sperare, and he recently did this interview with the guys at IdiotEQ. Go check it out, if only for the free download of the first tune from their forthcoming EP 'The Sea Takes The Rest'! Enjoy!

You can find the interview here:

Thanks a lot! :)


Sunday, 14 April 2013

'The Screever' issue three

'The Screever' issue three

So it's finally here; issue three of 'The Screever'! It's about A6, photocopied in black and white, and features interviews with Stourbridge drone master ADAM BECKLEY, Birmingham thrash / skate-punkers LAUGHING IN THE FACE OF, Birmingham Straight Edge promoters LOCKDOWNxCOLLECTIVE, DIY packaging wizard Tom from ACDSLEEVE, zine legend Catherine Elms from SPILL THE ZINES, and French / Belgian punk rock band SECULAR PLAGUE, plus a bunch of reviews, a couple of puzzles, and a Vegan Creme Egg recipe. Sounds awesome, right? I had to make this one alone as it seems that Nat has disappeared from the digital universe, but hopefully she'll return with a vengeance for the next one.
This one has a run of 150 copies, and you can get yours from here:

Also remember to follow us on Facebook at:

Thanks a tonne! :D


Friday, 12 April 2013

Sperare 'The Sea Takes The Rest' EP launch...

Sperare 'The Sea Takes The Rest' EP launch...

So yes, Lee's hardcore band SPERARE are having this EP launch at the end of this month in their home-town of Stourbridge, thanks to local experimental music label Carnage Club. It's shaping up to be a pretty awesome night, so if you're from around there, make sure you check it out!

There's a Facebook event page for the gig here:

and make sure you check out the band here:

Cheers! :)


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Merridew - 'Fears That Kindle Hope' - Glass of Spit Recordings

MERRIDEW - 'Fears That Kindle Hope' - Glass of Spit Recordings

Right, so yesterday I released another solo EP, this time under the moniker 'Merridew', and this one is three tracks of instrumental, ambient emo / hardcore.
You can hear the final track here:

buy the EP on CD here:

or download it for free from here:

Thanks a lot! :D
