New Alaska - 'Finer Lines of Tomorrow' review
So I picked up New Alaska's new 7 inch split with Chestnut Road the other day, a review of which will no doubt find its way into issue five of The Screever when it finally begins production. In the meantime, I thought I'd post this lil' review of their EP 'Finer Lines of Tomorrow' that was printed in issue four. Enjoy!
the digital age that we've been unfortunate enough to find ourselves
dropped in, it's wonderful to see a bit of time and effort go into
the packaging of a DIY release, and this CDEP has one of the nicest
set-ups I've seen for a good while; a nice fold-out, poster-sized
sleeve with crisp, clean photo artwork and lyrics with fab design
work, a separate spine-sleeve like the ones you find on Japanese CDs,
and a disc that has a black bottom like an old Playstation 1 game
disc(!), all folded neatly into a plastic wallet... truly amazing
stuff! As for what's actually ON the disc, NEW ALASKA from
Stourbridge play indie-punk/ post-punk with some pretty cool, angular
guitar work that reminds me of stuff like FUGAZI and THE COMPUTERS'
old stuff, with some interesting time signatures. The pace and
momentum never lets up on this, and all five tracks are pretty
catchy, with some quite harsh, driving vocal melodies that have a way
of drilling into your subconscious with some quite obscure but
interesting lyricism. Good stuff; definitely a promising release from
another band from the 'bridge."
You can find New Alaska on Facebook here:
and Bandcamp here:
Thanks a bunch! :)