Sunday, 9 July 2017

LYPURÁ - 'á' review

LYPURÁ - 'á' review

These guys from Germany play new-school screamo that fluctuates between blistering blast beats with noisy, textured chord-work, and clean, bright picked sections. There's a similar contrast in vocals too, often favouring multiple layers of screaming, but they're actually surprisingly good clean singers too; they can harmonise really well, sometimes reminding me of a less wild version of HUMAN HANDS or even THURSDAY, but also surprising me in the first track by having an almost indie-sounding chorus. A couple of tracks in the middle break up the tone a little, with 'A Lost Harmony' bringing in some different influences, sounding more like the post-rock of TALONS, but with some deeper, almost doomy vocals, and 'Growing' adds a slower, delay-driven guitar sound, with a gang-vocal dominated ending. These are then followed by an instrumental post-rock-style track, before breaking back into the emo / screamo sound we're used to hearing from them. So yeah, pretty varied stuff; if you already listen to a lot of European screamo, you'll recognise the kind of sound this has, but expect more clean brightness than cathartic aggression. As well as the bands already mentioned, if you like stuff like TITLE FIGHT and I guess stuff like LOMA PRIETA then this might do it for you.


Sunday, 2 July 2017

FURY - 'Paramount' review

FURY - 'Paramount' review

Every now and again, a hardcore band comes along that just does it right (I'm thinking HAVE HEART, EXPIRE, xREPENTANCEx, etc.) and FURY are one of those bands. They basically sound like all of the best 90s REVELATION RECORDS hardcore bands smushed together; fast, heavy and angry both musically and vocally, think YOUTH OF TODAY and GORILLA BISCUITS but with a really solid, up-to-date production. 'Death Yellows Life and Reason' pretty much sounds like a perfect mix of BOLD and BATTERY. Yup, it's that good. Lyrics are more personal than political as far as I can tell, and expect lots of break-neck drumming, palm-muting, and solid riffs, while 'In Extremis' brings a slight change of pace, working with heavy repetition. I recommend checking out 'Damage is Done' or 'The Fury' for something to go on, but if you like the aforementioned bands, you'll love every second of this. I also have to give them extra credit for listing SHAKESPEARE and VONNEGUT in the lyrics credits. Awesome.
