Sunday, 15 May 2016

RASH DECISION - 'Headstrung' 12" review

RASH DECISION - 'Headstrung' 12" review

Bloody hell yes, this is pretty much exactly the kind of thing that I hope will drop into my inbox to review. Fast, no messin' about, thrashy hardcore with immense drumming that flicks between blasts, double time, and lightspeed fills, that complement the awesome, tight guitar and bass riffs perfectly, and multiple vocalists, all with very different but equally pissed-off sounding tones. Every song on here is brilliantly structured (that's what 9 years of experience will do for you), from the 66 seconds of 'Dogsbody' (one of my personal favourites, and featuring one of the best thrash-inspired riffs on here) to the slower but no less furious 'Cunt of the Litter', and the rather odd, somewhat amusing, yet still awesome 'Blinded by Leaves'. If you like your hardcore how it should be played i.e. fast, heavy, and abrasive, well-produced and with no nonsense, and that reminds you of stuff that used to come out on DEAD AND GONE RECORDS (FIFTY ON RED, BREAK IT UP, etc.), then this will please you a lot. This 12" also comes with their last album 'Seaside Resort to Violence' on the other side. Ace.


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