Monday, 8 May 2017

AUSTEROS - 'I've Got This' review

AUSTEROS - 'I've Got This' review

Don't you just love that feeling when a part of a song just indescribably 'clicks' with you and gives you goosebumps? Well, the chorus to 'Dead Cells', the second track of this new EP by AUSTEROS, gave me exactly that feeling. If I were cool I'd probably say it gives me life, but I'll just say I had to replay it very quickly after first hearing it. This three-piece now located in Bristol play indie-punk in a relatively clean fashion with great, bright guitar melodies and catchy choruses with really cool vocal harmonies, all wrapped up in short, energetic pop punk tunes. I couldn't help but notice how much the vocalist sounds like Billie-Joe in old GREEN DAY, and actually musically it isn't far off (think everything before and including 'Warning'); chuck in some of THE ERGS, maybe MODERN BASEBALL if that's your thing, and NEIL YOUNG and you won't be far off I reckon. Best thing you could do would be to check this out for yourself though; every track is really strong, including a lovely, touching acoustic one half way through. Great stuff, and it also has awesome artwork!


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